Create an account

Welcome! If this is your first time logging in to Hero Hub as a current or new donor, please create an account.

For current donors, please be sure to enter your legal first name and last name exactly as it appears on your donor card. Enter your donor ID number to link your new account to your donation history.

For new donors (or, if you don't have a donor card), please create an account completing the required fields below. When you receive your donor card, this card will state your donor ID number. Enter your donor ID number to link your account to your donation history.

Username and password requirements are listed below.

  • Donor ID number is not required. If you know your donor ID number, please add it to link your donation history to your account.

* Required fields

Username Requirements
  • Must contain at least one number.
  • Must be at least 8 characters.
  • Can be no more than 30 characters.

Password Requirements
  • Must contain at least one uppercase character.
  • Must contain at least one number.
  • Must be at least 8 characters.
  • Must be at most 13 characters.